Groundbreaking grouping of (30) different 1952 Topps Baseball cards. This average (VG to EX) compilation includes the following: #14 Elliott (VG-EX), #15 Pesky (VG, bb), 16, 30 (bb), #31 Zernial (VG), 39 (bb), #49 Sain (VG, bb), 51, #55 Boone (EX, bb), 56 (bb), 61 (bb), 76 (bb), 85, #88 Feller (VG), 102, 113, 116, 118, 134, 144, 147, 149, 153, 166, 167, 228, #235 Dropo (VG-EX), #244 Wertz (EX), 249 and 280.